Life-changing News

Samira  champions inclusion of women, children in climate actions

Samira Bawumia, Wife of the Vice-President has called for the unlocking of the boundless potential of African women and children in the realm of climate actions.

She is confident that this can and will catalyze a movement that harnesses the power of voices previously unheard.

“Our shared goal is to amplify the often unheard voices of African women and children, recognizing their unique experiences, perspectives, and potential contributions in steering our continent towards a sustainable and resilient future,” she stressed.

She stated these at the High-Level Dialogues of Africa Women and Children Conference (AFRIWOCC) at the Africa Climate Summit/Week taking place in Kenya.

It is under the theme: ‘Amplifying the Voices of Women and Children in Climate Actions.’

AFRIWOCC was convened as a platform to discuss the impact of climate change on women and children in Africa, assess relevant mitigation and adaptation policies and projects, whiles utilizing indigenous knowledge as well as innovative ideas, and coordinate a network of organizations focused on women and children in the climate change economy in Africa.

The objective of the dialogue is to engage global leaders and implementing partners, as well as all participants on the roadmap to achieving all these objectives, particularly focusing on leveraging existing opportunities and the development of scalable, locally led interventions to empower women and amplify the voices of children in climate action in climate actions.

The maiden Conference brought together over 800 distinguished participants covering policy makers, academia, thought leaders, climate activists, women, and children’s groups, amongst others.

Samira Bawumia said “As we deliberate, let us be guided by the principles of inclusivity, innovation, and intergenerational equity”.

She pointed out that Africa, a continent of unparalleled beauty and diversity, stands at a crossroads where climate change poses not only environmental and economic threats, but also exacerbates existing social inequalities.

The Second Lady argued that within this complex landscape, women and children emerge as both vulnerable populations and powerful agents of change.

She emphasized that the urgency to take action has never been clearer, as the impacts of climate change continue to reshape the land, livelihoods, and the socio-economic fabric of African societies.

She therefore described the dialogue a pivotal moment—a space for participants to listen, learn, and collaborate.

Samira Bawumia said “The Africa Climate Summit serves as our backdrop; a reminder that we are not alone in this journey”.

She is hopeful that deliberations will directly inform the larger dialogue taking place across this summit, influencing policies and strategies that will shape the collective response to the climate crisis.

Therefore, she appealed to participants to seize this opportunity to foster partnerships, share best practices, and craft actionable recommendations that empower women and children to become leaders, change-makers, and ambassadors of climate resilience.

She is confident that the discussions will be marked by a resolute commitment to action urging participants to emerge from the dialogue with a renewed sense of purpose and a comprehensive roadmap that ensures the voices of women and children are at the forefront of climate discourse, policy formulation, and implementation.

The Second Lady reaffirms dedication of participants to a just and sustainable future for Africa and its generations to come.

While recognizing that the challenges faced in Africa are daunting, Samira Bawumia noted that Africa’s ability to overcome these challenges lie in the strength and resilience of the participants.

“In our strength we find hope and with the hope we find the courage to succeed,” she added.

AFRIWOCC is a biennial conference convened by the wife of the Vice-President, Samira Bawumia, under the Samira Empowerment and Humanitarian Projects (SEHP).

It is to create true inclusivity for women and children across the African Continent through meaningful dialogues and the showcase of innovative solutions to issues confronting women and children in Africa.

The conference brought together participants and exhibitors from across Africa, including high-level dignitaries such as President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the Vice President of Liberia, Jewel Taylor.

Also in attendance was the South African Minister for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

Other high-ranking government officials from various African countries, members of parliament, development partners, traditional leaders, students and leading figures in climate action across Africa also attended the conference.

Solidarity messages were received from the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed, and the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

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