Ghana discovers new mineral crucial for renewable energy

Ghana discovers new mineral crucial for renewable energy

A significant discovery of the mineral tantalum has been made in the Bewadze-Mankoadze area of the Kibi-Winneba Belt in southern Ghana.
Research led by Emmanuel Daanoba Sunkari, Joshua Nkansah, and Salaam Jansbaka Adams has revealed tantalum-rich pegmatites, found in large quantities of an igneous rock called pegmatite.
The findings are detailed in a published paper titled, “Geochemical Exploration for Tantalum in Coltan-rich Pegmatites at Bewadze-Mankoadze Area of the Kibi-Winneba Belt, Southern Ghana.”

Exploration focus and findings
The study involved petrographic analysis of rock samples and statistical evaluations of both major and minor elements, identifying tantalum deposits in the region. Samples from pegmatite outcrops were analyzed to determine the presence of tantalum pathfinder elements.
Geochemical anomalies were mapped in the southwestern portion of the study area, where the researchers recommended future exploration activities be focused.
The pegmatites, rich in tantalum, are not only found in Bewadze and Mankoadze but also in other parts of southern Ghana, including Ewoyaa, Biriwa, and Winneba.

Tantalum’s role in clean energy and industry
Tantalum is crucial for modern energy-saving technologies.
Its capacitors are vital in renewable energy systems like solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles, aiding in energy storage and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The researchers emphasized that tapping into this tantalum deposit could significantly boost Ghana’s foreign exchange earnings.
The mineral also holds promise for clean energy production within Ghana, as its by-products can be used to support renewable energy initiatives.
Additionally, the tantalum-bearing pegmatites contain other valuable minerals, including spodumene, beryl, and tourmaline.

Economic and technological importance
Tantalum (Ta), with atomic number 73, is known for its corrosion resistance and widespread use in high-temperature devices, such as aircraft engines, and electronic components, including capacitors.
It also has applications in the medical and dental fields, making it a valuable resource for technological advancements.
This discovery has the potential to position Ghana as a significant player in the global supply chain for tantalum, especially at a time when the demand for critical minerals is rising due to the global transition to clean energy.

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