The number of commuters killed in the first six months of 2023 from road crashes is 1,086.
This is 16.25% reduction compared to the 1,300 killed during the same period in 2022.
The significant margin of decrease in deaths recorded in January to June of 2023 could be largely attributed to the level of reductions recorded in crashes in Greater Accra (11.5%), Ashanti (9.6%) and Eastern (11.6%) regions which together usually constitute 76% of all crashes in the country.
Consequently, this development positively influenced the number of deaths as witnessed in a reduction of 8.3%, 21.5% and 17.7% in the Greater Accra, Ashanti and Eastern regions respectively.
Regional breakdown of deaths
The regional breakdown of fatalities are Greater Accra-231, Eastern-196, Ashanti-194, Central-86, Bono East-71, Western-62, Volta-41, Western North-38, Upper East-35, Ahafo-24, Northern-23, Savannah-21, Upper West-20, Bono-18, North East-18 and Oti-8.
866 males, 220 females killed
According to the data, 866 representing 80% are males and 220 which represents 20% are females killed from January to June 2023.
The data reveals that for every one female killed, four males are killed.
This shows a similar trend in past years of higher fatalities for males than for females.
From January to June, 137 persons below the age of 18 years which represents 13% were killed whilst 949 persons above 18 years also died from crashes.
This indicates that for every seven adults above 18-years killed; a child below 18-years is killed revealing a relatively high road traffic death ratio of 7:1 for adults than for children within the period.
This is partly due to the high risk of exposure of adults to traffic incidences as compared to children.
The data was compiled by the Motor Traffic and Transport Unit (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service and analysed by the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA).
Motorcycles killed 459
In terms of the casualties resulting from the categories of vehicles involved in crashes, occupants of motorcycles constituted 459 deaths.
Commercial Vehicles killed 357
This was followed by 357 deaths of occupants of commercial vehicles during the six month period.
Private Vehicles killed 270
The number of occupants of private vehicles killed in road crashes between January and June 2023 amounted to 270.
308 pedestrians killed
Some 308 pedestrians were also killed during the period.
A total of 1,205 pedestrians were knocked down from January to June 2023. This represents a decrease of 11.14% over the situation for the same period in 2022.
This implies that motorcyclists and their pillion riders are more exposed to road traffic deaths than other road user groups such as commercial passengers, private vehicle occupants and pedestrians
7,807 injured
Commuters who sustained injuries from January to June 2023 was 7,807.
Bono East Region had the highest percentage increase of 45.2% followed by Central Region with 32.1 % increase.
Northern Region recorded the highest decrease in injuries sustained by 55.7%.
The trend lines indicate a slight increase in the number of injuries recorded from January to June in 2023 as compared to a significant increase in injuries recorded over the 6-month period in 2022.
6,904 crashes reported
A total of 6,904 road traffic crashes were reported from January to June 2023.
11,763 Vehicles involved in crashes
These crashes involved 11,763 private, commercial vehicles and motorbikes/Cycles resulting in 8,893 casualties.
Cases reported, vehicles involved, persons killed, persons injured and pedestrian knockdowns decreased by 10.19%, 11.21%, 16.46%, 2.50% and 11.14% respectively from January to June 2023 when compared to the same period of 2022.
There is a slight increase in the number of crashes recorded from January to June 2023 whilst the number of crashes from January to June in 2022 remained stable.
A total of 3,802 commercial vehicles were involved in crashes whilst 5,384 private vehicles and 2,577 motorcycles were involved in crashes.
It is worthy to note that commercial vehicles, private vehicles and motorcycles recorded decreases in the numbers involved in crashes in 2023 as compared to 2022.
Specifically, commercial vehicles, private vehicles and motorcycles crash involvement reduced by 28%, 11.22% and 6.43% respectively in 2023 when compared to 2022.
Private vehicles constituted the largest proportion of vehicles involved in Crashes from January to June 2023, representing 46%, followed by Commercial Vehicles with 32% and Motorcycles with the least proportion of 22%.
The proportions of all the vehicle types involved in crashes, that is, commercial vehicles, private vehicles and motorcycles decreased by 15.02%, 7.53% and 6.95% respectively when compared to 2022.
Cumulatively, from January and June 2023, there was a general reduction of 6.43% in crash involvement for all types of motorcycles.
However, motorbikes (only 2 wheelers) constituted 74% of crashes involving all cycles whilst tricycles contributed 21%.
Bicycles and handcarts constituted four and one per cent respectively.
Analysis on categories of vehicles involved in crashes shows that motorcycles (two/three wheelers) constituted the least (22%) of all vehicles involved.
This notwithstanding, the share of motorbike/motorcycle crashes is alarming taking into consideration the population of motorcycles (two/three wheelers) of the total vehicle population.
Regional statistics
Greater Accra Region contributed the most to crashes-2,886 and fatalities-231.
This is followed by Ashanti with 1,619 crashes and 194 fatalities.
Even though Eastern Region came third in the number of crashes with 711 crashes, it came second in the number of deaths with 196 deaths.
Upper East, Upper West, Western, and Volta Regions recorded increases in crashes by 11.84%, 11.76%, 5.65% and 1.04% respectively from January to June 2023 compared to the same period of 2022.
The remaining regions recorded decreases over the same period and Ahafo Region had the highest percentage decrease with 35.4%.
From the data Volta, Bono, Bono East, North East, Central, Eastern and Ashanti regions recorded increases in crashes by 42.4%, 33.3%, 28.6%, 25%, 14.8%, 5.13%, and 3.1% respectively in June 2023 compared to the same period of 2022.
Oti and Ahafo regions recorded no changes and the remaining regions recorded decreases over the same period with Savannah Region had the highest percentage decrease by 54.5%.
Western Region had highest percentage increase in deaths in June 2023 with 400% when compared to the same period of 2022, followed by Upper East, Volta, Central Northern, North East, Ashanti, Bono East and Eastern regions with 300%, 125%, 75% 50%, 50%, 38.7%, 33.3%, and 16.3% respectively.
Western Region recorded no change and the remaining regions had decreases, with Bono Region recording the highest percentage decrease by 75%.
Categories of road traffic crashes
Road traffic crashes have been categorized under fatal, serious or minor depending on the severity of the casualties.
Fatal crashes are crashes which have resulted in the death of at least one person/victim of the crash within 30 days of the crash.
Serious crashes are crashes which have resulted in a serious injury of at least one person/victim of the crash leading to hospitalization of at least 24 hours.
Minor crashes are crashes which have resulted in a minor injury of at least one person/victim of the crash leading to hospitalization of less than 24 hours or no injuries at all.
Similarly, out of the 6,904 road traffic crashes reported from January to June 2023, 54% (3,694) were minor crashes, 33% (2,308) were serious crashes and the remaining 13% (902) were fatal crashes.
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